On Saturday we heard that Payne is stuck in hospital with a case of COVID-19, and though we couldn't do much we wanted to hopefully cheer him up a bit. A few of us have come together to create a big card for him on Plotzy!
Memery has kindly volunteered to make sure he gets the card at the right time, and I believe it has now been sent to him.
If you haven't yet had a chance to sign it, but would still like to, you're still very welcome to go ahead and add your name (and a short message if you would like to). You can find the card on Plotzy at 142, 18 (That's to the east). There's a big sign in the sky above it. Payne will get the opportunity to see it in-person when he gets back ^_^
Hope to hear you're feeling better and see you back on soon, Payne!