Many more name levels

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Many more name levels

Postby cybergrog » Mon Nov 27, 2017 8:47 pm

At the moment we only have a zedling for playing 15 hours and a Zedkin for donating.
I think it would be a good idea if there were more levels. Perhaps a Zedling should be at 25 hours then a Zedoring for 50 hours etc. With these levels we could also get more privileges.

Personally I think it is a good idea because we would all have something more to work to.

I have only been playing for 16 hours but the servers great and there is so much potential when the server is known about more.


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Re: Many more name levels

Postby Memery » Tue Nov 28, 2017 6:57 pm


This has been suggested in the past as well!
One of the main issue raised was what exactly could the higher hoursplayed players get? Giving Items out like diamonds isn't something the guardians like to do, plus Zesty subscribers usually get certains perks because they are supporting the server.

However, if you have some other suggestions that we haven't heard be for be sure to post them!

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Re: Many more name levels

Postby Mellorian » Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:47 pm

Memery wrote:Giving Items out like diamonds isn't something the guardians like to do

Cobble, perhaps?

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Re: Many more name levels

Postby Forseth » Wed Nov 29, 2017 8:18 am

Instead of levels, I would rather see that there was custom achievements. Not necessary that others could see. It could be custom advancements.

Example of custom Achivements:

*Participated in the completion of a community project
*Created a community project
*Took part in a UHC (or possibly, a specific UHC, can you catch them all?)
*Took part in a Build-off
*Took part in a council meeting (member or not)

etc etc
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Re: Many more name levels

Postby SneakySkeleton » Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:37 pm


I found some brief notes from a discussion we had about this topic in the past. (Was a long time ago, 10th January 2015)

I understand why you would want this, however I'm not entirely sure what new features it could bring to the server. As the notes above mention, new ranks add nothing but a way to 'glorify players'. The reason the Zedling rank is there in the first place is that once a player has played their 15 hours, they are 'trusted' enough, hence they can then access large community areas such as the Nether Hub or the Market (on LVS, but the same principal goes for Zz). Others suggested the idea of giving out items with these playtime-related milestones/ranks. I believe that would take away from the pure vanilla experience everybody enjoys on Zedwork (well, at least on LVS ;) ). Additionally, I doubt that would be added anyway.

I do like Forseth's idea of custom Zedwork-related advancements, as they could be a way of introducing newer players into the community (by making them more aware of the things around them on Zedwork - events, projects).

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