Ban Appeal......

Here players may contest the decisions of the ban, or provide extra personal accounts of their crimes.

Ban Appeal......

Postby Asuna ikuy » Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:53 pm

Hello Everyone, it's come to my attention, people would like to know my identity, and I've lied saying I've forgot.
I haven't forgot, I just didn't want to be associated with my old self, my 16 year old self.

I realize playing on this server when you're banned is against the rule, and I'll fully accept any punishment.
My old account name was Darade. I was a complete arse when I was younger, 5 years ago. I thought I had only been gone two, but no it's been five. I missed this server, I missed my old build. I quit Minecraft after that ban. I honestly felt that whole time like a piece was missing from me. I've been playing under this name Asuna_Ikuy, cause I switched my ISP, and bought a new minecraft account; Only cause I moved houses, and the Minecraft account I sold awhile back. I just wanted to prove I've changed, and I'm here to make a good difference, instead of the old bad. I've seen old friends, and some new friends, and I can tell how this community has grown, and I want to grow with it.

I am so sorry to everyone I've hurt, broken into your base, got banned, and honestly for being all around a bitchy teen.
I am sorry to both Zed, and LadyBountiful, for everything I did and said 5 years ago.

If you guys still don't want me to be part of the community I will accept that, and will take my ban.

Sincerly, Asuna_Ikuy/Darade. O/
Asuna ikuy

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:31 pm
Minecraft IGN: Asuna_Ikuy

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