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RealisticChat plugin feedback thread

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:59 pm
by Norpo
In my opinion yelling should take less food up. Im in a cave, wanting to chat, but Noooo, I need food, and I have none, so im lonely, mining.

That is my feedback.


Re: RealisticChat plugin feedback thread

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:01 am
by ignite444
It was a good idea talking about it, but personally I didn't like it. The constant use of food to talk was tiring and annoying. Not to mention if you are veeery far away, it would be very difficult to talk to everyone without your food bar disappearing altogether. The constant use of exclamation marks gave me a headache.

The only feature I liked was the colored names. it was easier to tell names apart that way.

Re: RealisticChat plugin feedback thread

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:04 am
by DanDan333
In my opinion, Like norpo said, doing !!!! takes up an entire food bar, which isn't good...The range was too short, but pretty fine after zed had sorted it, but don't like how you have to carry a compass around 24/7 just to hear everything aswell as the beggingers have no idea what's going on, and don't know we can't really hear them, and don't like the fact of the !!!! it's self, being said in chat, as it just seems like everyone is shouting out of rage, not because they have to. although the idea was good, it does have problems, especially with garble spamming the chat.
but, if i were to sum it up fully..I'de prefer mute button rather than this. that way you can mute the spammers, and then the chat wouldnt go up way too fast. or, we could have 2 chats, with a simple tab, 1 for whisper, 1 for normal. or 1 for help chat, help chat being begginners can ask questions, and anyone in that chat, can answer it. similar to what they have in fallen earth.

Re: RealisticChat plugin feedback thread

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:52 am
by KittyKatDeath
I'm basically gonna go with what Dan said on the matter. :) I like that idea of chat channels, so people can sort out who there talking to easier. >:)

Re: RealisticChat plugin feedback thread

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:58 pm
by Zedwick
My issue with adding chat channels for players is the quiet. It would mean players interact with others outside of their immediate friends group much less. I've noticed this since some of you have started skyping each other, though this is okay as you can still see and reply to messages in the chat. With a chat channel, either you are in a separate channel and see none of the main chat (thus eliminating the spam of other players talking far too much) or you can still see the main chat whilst in your chat channel (thus masking your chat from others, but still being able to follow the main chat and hear other players. Which may reduce the chatter by regular players, leaving only the new players chat seen by all). One option limits the social interaction on the server, and hinders new players' integration into the community; the other doesn't really address the problem of spam from players, though it does add in group chatting for private conversations.

I think the best part of Zedwork is that players will help out newer players, and offer their support to other regular players. I really don't want to limit that happening. I may offer separate chat channels to a donator level, though; their enjoyment is paramount, after all. And because their numbers would be few, it would put a limit on the number of players who could remove themselves from the main chat.