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New land and exploration (lvs)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:07 pm
by Pettmol
So an idea I'd like to run by you all and get some feedback on. It's been sparked by the 1.13/1.14 structures and new terrain but is not limited to those update.

I've been thinking about how people travel a lot and generate new chuncks, this is nice but at some point we'll run out of space and we'll be unable to get new structures. (There is already the case of no woodland mansions) And seeing as how we can't expand the world border indefinitely without breaking Zed's wallet or the server, I'd like to propose a solution I think might help medigate the problem. We make "a don't build, but explore zone." What's that you ask?

My suggestion borrows from the solution with end citys, we expand the border one time or regenererte the outer areas close to the border. (The exact cords and metode isn't the important part) Then we keep that area as a zone that will be regenerate next update or after a certain time. (Depending on what's easiest and works the best) Thus it'll be an area you can explore to look for corals/pillager towers etc, but in time it'll be regenerated so don't build anything permanent there.

I know there has been talks about some script magic Zed has been looking into that might be able to regenerate land that's not been build on. Which would be great. My suggestion isn't a replacement for that, but something that can either be done in the mean time or along side.

Any who figured I'd throw it out and see what people think, and if it's at all even a possible idea.


Re: New land and exploration (lvs)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 8:46 am
by Forseth
It's not a bad idea, If we could find a stretch of land (let's say 10x10 chunks) where no one has built, we could zone that area off (In this case 11x11 chunks) and make it a wild zone where the world re-generates every now and again.

Problems with the idea that I can see Is that, one: we have to find such an area that isn't built in, which probably will be hard, two: the regeneration thing can't happen while players are present or have disconnected while within the area.

The solution to the second problem would be to schedule the regeneration, making sure that everyone playing is aware of what time and day it will regenerate. But even then there will be a risk of someone disconnecting in the wild zone and reconnecting when it's regenerated, finding themselves stuck inside a rock or floating in lava.

Then of course it would be up to Zedwick and LadyBountiful If he/she can make this happen and If they want it.

Re: New land and exploration (lvs)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:40 am
by Mellorian
I don't have much of an opinion on this, but I believe that end regeneration happens during resets, which guarantees no players being online.

Re: New land and exploration (lvs)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 3:02 pm
by Dax23333
Finding areas nobody has built on is easy. There are vast areas of land that have no builds of any kind on, and have just been loaded in as somebody walked past exploring. Once you get around 15km out from spawn pretty much all of it is like that with the occasional giant construction.

Having the same script as runs in the end run on a thin strip around the edge of the overworld would I think be a good start for this kind of thing, at least until Zedwick finishes the much more fancy and better script that can detect builds and stuff and not reset those areas. This would give us access to new content such as mansions and (more) 1.13 oceans which would be nice. Might also become a good idea to build a nether ring tunnel around the world just inside the resetting area to give easy access to the entire place! Which might be a good reason not to do it...

Re: New land and exploration (lvs)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 8:27 am
by ABParadigm
It's been driving me mad that the ocean around me is old ocean, I have been wanting the regenerative script since we got 1.13 and I discovered how little new terrain we have. I would kill to get a zone like this, I just think there are so few new oceans that there should be an alternative done in the meantime. I don't know why we haven't yet, personally, but I assume there were more important things on the agenda. I don't think I've gone one week without hearing about someone looking for new ocean and not finding it or someone asking about the regenerative script.

Re: New land and exploration (lvs)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:42 pm
by stepanex