! Commands

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! Commands

Postby Jams__ » Thu May 05, 2016 8:11 pm


This post contains some suggestions and a few complaints [ish] about the ! commands.

Firstly, Some commands responses should just be sent to the activating player. I say this because usually once one player does !hoursplayed everyone does !hoursplayed and it spams chat. I respect all people seeing the commands people do and that doesnt bother me.

Some suggestions:

!faq: This commands splits into multiple sub commands. You do !faq and due to possible spam the responses would be kept to the activator! Doing !faq shows you all faq commands.

- !FAQ ask [question]: You can ask a question to be answered. All questions would have a unique number ID.
- !FAQ answer [question id] [answer]: This command answers an asked question. See the use for the number ID.
- !FAQ questions: See all questions asked. Once it is answered it will be removed from here.
I understand that is what the forums are for but I think it will make question easier to ask and awnser.

!helpme: Based on the Zz command /helpme.
- !helpme [reason]: Sends a report for guardians and possibly ZFriends to read.

!zfriends: This command lists all ZFriends.
- !zfriends [name]: Tells you the date a specific zfriend became a zfriend.
^^ Same as above but for protector.

!requestnotice: This command would send a message/notify guardians that a someone wants a notice up.
- !requestnotice [notice]: Input the notice so guardians can review it. [Cooldown: 1 week]

!shout: Shouts a message over LVS, Zz and Hub.
- !shout [msg]: ^ [Cooldown: 5 hours]

- These are a couple of my hundreds of suggestions. I know most are probably unachievable but yerr. - Jamie :D

Posts: 70
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:52 pm
Minecraft IGN: Jams__

Re: ! Commands

Postby Zedwick » Thu May 05, 2016 8:48 pm

I feel many of the !commands benefit from being a public response, and are used to show off your housrplayed (which are accessible via the stats menu if you just want to review your own time played without revealing it) or to present information to another player when using !info, etc. I see them as social tools, thought yes sometimes it can be spammy when everyone uses them.

!faq sounds like an interesting idea, I will think more on this. Though I am unsure how useful it will become as a source of answers to "frequently asked questions" once populated with oodles of questions. Does it need a voting system for each question? Just ordered by how many people look at the answer to each answered question?

!helpme too, I will consider how best to provide something like this for LVS.

!zriends could be good, though I dread adding more places I can forget to keep up to date with info :P

!requestnotice I actually really like, definitely on my todo list.

!shout is a maybe, would like to hear more thoughts on this. Probably good for organising server events and promoting it across Zedwork, though the one-way nature of it could lend to a feeling of spam if even slightly abused. I will consider it.

Always interested in hearing new !command ideas ^_^ Thanks!
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Re: ! Commands

Postby Jams__ » Thu May 05, 2016 9:01 pm


Thanks. I am thrilled with your quick and well worded response. I am happy you like some/most of them.

- Jamie

Posts: 70
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:52 pm
Minecraft IGN: Jams__

Mayor/Co-Mayor Comman Ideas

Postby Jams__ » Sun May 08, 2016 10:19 pm

Other mayors or co-mayors will get me on this. You walk round your town and see unused/aged builds which you could put a 2 week removal sign up for it. Although your not sure if the owner is active because they have no signs there saying there name.

Here are commands you could give to Mayors/Co-Mayors.

- !placedby: You point your crosshair at a block, do the command and it says who placed it and when. Due to the logging it would only work after implemented though.

- !banner [warp name]: This could be used for active warps to give you a town banner. Although it is vanilla and everything but this could still be used and useful.

- !mayors: This would be a public command that lists all the mayors and co-mayors of each warp/retired warp. It will be like the !yt command with the hover when over people do it.

Just a couple ideas that will make alot of lives easier.

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Minecraft IGN: Jams__

Re: ! Commands

Postby Zedwick » Sun May 08, 2016 10:56 pm

Thanks for the suggestions!

- !placedby: You point your crosshair at a block, do the command and it says who placed it and when. Due to the logging it would only work after implemented though.

This would be a good idea, but it just isn't possible with the kind of logging possible in vanilla, not to mention the complexity of working out which block you're looking at.

- !banner [warp name]: This could be used for active warps to give you a town banner. Although it is vanilla and everything but this could still be used and useful.

This could be provided in one of the hubs or other community areas, doesn't need an item spawn command.

- !mayors: This would be a public command that lists all the mayors and co-mayors of each warp/retired warp. It will be like the !yt command with the hover when over people do it.

This would be good, though I'd hate to be responsible for maintaining this list. Perhaps I can make it so Zriends can add and remove names from this list. I'll add it to my todos.
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