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Zedwork zurvival council petition

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:49 pm
by darthduck84
I know Cuttlemaster and Overskill touched down on it in a funny way but when I was in zedwork zurvival and talking to everyone and it would seem everyone is wanting a council so I am starting a petition to have it done maybe if we get enough interest then maybe Zed will Listen and think about it. There is a lot of people on zz that are interested and want to have a council just like lvs, and a lot of t hem can do some great good.

Re: Zedwork zurvival council petition

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:53 pm
by dogzack123
I approve of this, it'd be nice for us to have a regular time to bug zed about stuff.

Re: Zedwork zurvival council petition

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:22 pm
by connorlaw1996
I concur

Re: Zedwork zurvival council petition

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:44 pm
by Zedwick
Just so you know, I had no part in making the LVS council a reality. I just show up to meetings and promote them :)

If you want a council, organise one! If it takes off, I'll show it the same support I give LVS' council. I think LVS' council is great because I do not run them, it's entirely a community-run entity.

Re: Zedwork zurvival council petition

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:22 am
by darthduck84
well then I need to get together with my fellow council members and decide a decent time and hold a meeting and see what we can orginize together and make a awesome council or counzzil as they been calling it. :D

Re: Zedwork zurvival council petition

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:15 pm
by Treiskaideka
I'd propose a meeting on the 28th of febuary, the sunday after the LVS Council meeting.

the weekend are a high traffic time and that way we could 'promote' the zz council on the lvs meeting, for those who are active on both servers.

I'm not sure about the time, personally I'd like 6 pm gmt (british time) which would be 7pm to me on the continent.

I think of the regulations, we could just blatanly steam from the LVS council, regarding strikes, 20 maximum members and so on.

My idea for how it should go/ what we should do:

  • Before the meeting: Choose a speaker who will lead the discussion
  • Before the meeting: Choose a meeting place (I think Lala has a lovely thing we can use)
  • Select a volunteer who will write down notes and post the Meeting Notes on the forum (I'd do it if there is noone else willing)

Then for the actual meeting topics:
  1. For the first meeting, I'd say everyone who wants, can nominate themselves as a member and would need 3 other people to vote in favour of them.
  2. Choose a name for the Council (My idea is: Zurvivalist's Council, ZC for short) collecting name ideas might be good here!
  3. open discussion about what topics are the main focus of the council (including organizing the Nether and The End)
  4. discussion about how the rules of the council will be copied/changed from the LVS, incluiding possible change of time when it meets or maybe a permanent or a changing meeting place
  5. the most pressing topics, which may then also be discussed in the next meeting (Including the End in 1.9 and the region post thing, that dogz suggested. I'd say we could discuss those depending on how long the meeting already took? )
  6. choosing the next meeting point/meeting time, place and discussion leader. (I'd suggest bi-weekly ? )

well, that are my ideas. as the first meeting, it will probably take a while, so maybe we should account for breaks and start a bit earlier? I'd suggest the discussion leader should be strikt during the discussions, as many people will probably be excited. That's why I'd like a break after half an hour / between the topics. That's something that is kind of a thing I noticed in the lVS meetings.

So, yeah, what do you think?

Re: Zedwork zurvival council petition

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:48 pm
by connorlaw1996
I agree with everything you said tries, except the time... could we meet a little later, as i'm working until 6!

Great suggestions though.

Re: Zedwork zurvival council petition

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:50 pm
by Treiskaideka
well, maybe same time as for lvs? that's 8 pm gmt... it's 9 pm for me but should be doable...

Re: Zedwork zurvival council petition

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:58 am
by darthduck84
that sounds awesome man! 8 pm is a great time for thats 2 Pm for me and that works out just fine.

Re: Zedwork zurvival council petition

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:22 pm
by Treiskaideka
So, I'd say that's set then! first open meeting of the future Zedwork Zurvival Council on the 28th of Febuary at 8pm GMT !

Please advertise it to everyone you see online and who would be interested, and refer them to this forum thread!

(maybe this shoud be moved to general discourse? )

As of where... I do know that Lala has a perfect meeting place, but should she not agree to host (host and discussion leader do not need to be the same!! ) I'd say we could just meet in the newest region? the party floor? (Or I'll quickly build a little thing) Could be interesting to have the council meetings at the current newest region, but I guess there is enough time to discuss that at the meeting.

For the discussion leader and person who takes the notes for the forum: I would volunteer for either of those positions, but of course, I cannot do both at the same time.

I'll ask Zed if he will advertise it too, should I see him before he answers here.

So, yeah, we will see how many people are interested in it at the first meeting! If you cannot come at that time, but are interested, please tell us here so we can account for that!