[LVS] Idea for Cooperative Building Event

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[LVS] Idea for Cooperative Building Event

Postby PanoramaJos » Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:17 pm

In the last council meeting (see notes here; http://zedwork.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1702) I brought up the idea of having a non competitive building event. I was asked to make a thread so that it could be further discussed.

The basic idea was that we would get warped out into the wild, with no or few resourses from start, and then build a united build with a theme.

My idea was that such an event would get people to know each other better and learn to collaborate and communicate. I think this is a good way to strenghten the community and for newcomers (like me) to get friends on the server. The event would still be challenging since people with different building styles would have to compromise. Tasks will need to be distributed between people in the group and planning will need to be done carefully. There should be no competition of who makes the best build but instead we should be rewarded for the result of the teamwork.
I hope this made the idea more clear and that there are others that prefer collaboration over competition. If you got better ideas of how to make such a cooperative event we can discuss this here.

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Re: [LVS] Idea for Cooperative Building Event

Postby HOMINIX » Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:11 pm

Absolutely love this idea, and think an event like this would sharpen everyone's building skills. It seems as though the specifics are the only things that need to be worked out, such as general rules, (what tools can be used, what can and can't be destroyed, what items can be brought, if any, etc) location, length and frequency of the event, along with how the event should be hosted, and by who.

My concern is putting more work on the admins, as LadyBountiful and Zedwick have just recently committed to setting aside time on their weekends for either council meetings or the Competitive Build-Offs, on top of their normal duties. Perhaps we could have rotating hosts with some supervision from Zed or LB and possibly to save the end result.

One way to host this event would be to have a clear prompt, like "Skyscraper" or "Amusement Park" and see what the community could make in the predetermined space within the time limit. Zed had a the idea of each participant to draw a random prompt that they would keep secret - then everyone would attempt to make the final product look like their specific prompt. This would be very chaotic, but I think it would be a very intriguing experiment!

Whatever we decide, this idea has my full support. It would bring the community together, strengthen everyone's building abilities, showcase everyone's styles, let players get to know each other better and overall seems like a great outlet for creativity! :D
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Re: [LVS] Idea for Cooperative Building Event

Postby Skappy » Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:12 am

I also like the idea and would gladly participate in either of those two ideas.
I do think though that with more than 5 people building on one thing it would be pretty chaotic, wich can be fun if chaos is what you are going for like in Hominix's idea, but maybe multiple randomized teams of about 4 people would be a good idea.
Could, but doesn't need to be competitive between those teams.

To the concern of putting more work on admins, this can easily be done completely without admin help. We just all come with empty inventory to somewhere in a nethertunnel, build a portal and we are all in the wilderness ready to start.

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