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[LVS] Spawns and Warps

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:49 pm
by Noitibos
Hello every one. Im new here on forums but im a zedling.
Well here are my suggestions. I'm a little builder and i love to do something to help the server. When i teleported to the sawmp warp i didnt saw any building saying "HERE IS THE SWAMP WARP" or something like that. So i was wandering if i can build a warp building there, like a hub. And if there are others warps with out hubs i can build them to.

Now its a request. Me, BlazingHeika, CaramelBiscuit and Hanzu286, we are building a huge kingdom. Like a residential area that can be used by every on that's trustble. We have already 2 neighbours there and Hanzu286 is one of them. Well my request is if the server council can make a warp to our kingdom when it's finished. Its a community area so i guess that is not a bad request. Thank you for your attencion.
I'll be waiting for an answer soon.


Re: [LVS] Spawns and Warps

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:23 pm
by ProducerDanny
Hi Noitibos, and welcome to Zedwork.

I am currently co-mayor of Forest Hills with Memery, to which there is a warp to. I'm assuming no-one has informed you of how the warps work so I will gladly explain all!

Warps are set by the server admin, Zedwick. The aim is to have a new biome area that new players can freely build upon, with little restriction. Previously, they were monitored only by Zedwick and LadyBountiful, our server admins. But in order to grasp more control over griefers, they agreed to have "Mayors" of warps. That's how you see names of the mayors when you join dotted about.

For the server, there is only 4 warps available at one time; two zedling, two non-zedling. The Non-zedling ones are the newest and are available to every player. Once the area becomes too built up for new players to start, it becomes Zedling Only. Then the oldest of the 4 warps gets it's warp removed and becomes only accessible from the Nether.

Being a Zedling, I hope you will have seen our intricate Nether network. It's a fantastic way for people to travel to other peoples houses and a way of quickly navigating directly to warps and the spawn. What makes the nether hubs better, is that they are Zedling only. Therefore new players would not be able to get there and there would be severe damage limitation from griefers.

What I strongly suggest is finding the closest warp and linking your new kingdom to it's hub. Every warp's hub that loses its warp when too old keeps it's nether hub so there will always be a link to the spawn as every warp nether hub has a path to the spawn hub. Find your nearest Nether Hub and ask a blue name to help set up the tunnel. They have access to the Nether Hubs.

The reason I suggest this is because the server cannot have more than 4 warps at one time. It would cause server lag, and no-one wants that. It's also a very delicate and complicated system designed to help newer players. Mayors of warps are elected in by the rest of the server via the forum. If you look back, the most recent elections were for Swamp Warp and the New-Coming-Soon Warp. Warps are only set up in these places and at the spawn, and no new ones can be made. But a connection to a Nether Hub is easily possible, and getting help from other players to install a minetrack from the hub to your kingdom shouldnt be too hard to get.

Hope this explains everything and best of luck with the kingdom! :D

Co-Mayor of Forest Hills

Re: [LVS] Spawns and Warps

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:57 pm
by Dax23333
Swamp warp is a work in progress, I was only recently made mayor of it and it is a bit of a ghost town. I have been trying to rectify this with useful facilities such as a vine farm and a mob farm (with slimes). I do like the open air feel of the warp, and a building next to it for information about the town would be useful. I have a great place for it to go, if you want to build it ask me on the server and I'll show you.

Mayor of Swamp

Re: [LVS] Spawns and Warps

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:05 pm
by Noitibos
Dax i will do it, i really ant to help =D

Re: [LVS] Spawns and Warps

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:07 pm
by Noitibos
Dany i can do tht but the warp tht is closer to the kindgom is really faaaaaaaaar... I can get rail to there but ill need touns of rails... the otherway tht u said is with the nether tunnels... Ill see wht can i do. Thanks for explain me all that. ;)