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Re: Mumble/Murmer for chatting

PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:50 pm
by Forseth
That's an interesting point Memery. I couldn't for the life of me figure that people could lie about who they are but that is of-course a possibility.

I started messing around discord and created a server. There are ways of verifying peoples identities, or rather not allow anyone to join who hasn't verified their account with either email or phone number. Again this isn't bullet proof as you can create an email with the purpose of posing as another player. And since Zedworks members aren't required to deliver their phone numbers, that can't be used either.

There are ways of limiting the amount of bad language and personal messaging. For one you can remove the ability to personal message, as well as the ability to message at all. You can also set the new people entering the channel to no voice chat or such, not allowing them to speak until they have verified who they are. However, this would require a huge amount of work from the moderators as they would have to do the dialog, verify the persons identity and then moderate that the people actually follow the rules.

As Jams__ said, there are ways of coding discords servers to your benefit. Bots can be used to do work, such as keeping the language clean. However beyond what the basic settings offer, I found myself clueless as to how to proceed. I'm not a programmer and thus I can't work it out.

I guess my point is that after spending quite some time trying to get it to work, I figured out that SwayLight and Memery was exactly right. Unless there is away to sync the server to Zedwork, its to much work to maintain the server and thus can't be an official one.
This however, doesn't stop you guys from creating a server for you and a few friends to use.

Re: Mumble/Murmer for chatting

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:47 pm
by Brenpop345
we could have somebody who is always on the discord and is monitoring the language used. if somebody is being disrespectful, that "moderator" could report it 2 zed or lb. idk if u can kick ppl out of the discord chat, but the "monitor" could also b in charge of that.

its just an idea. it might just b 2 much work that isnt needed

brenpop out 8-)

Re: Mumble/Murmer for chatting

PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:49 pm
by FunkyTechnician
Well getting someone (a team of people) to dedicate their day to moderating a voice chat isn't exactly easy.

People have jobs and may not always be around.

It could be made so that one cannot enter the channel if a moderator isn't in the channel, however. But that doesn't always mean that the moderator is active.

If anything, I think the discord would simply be there to share images, savegames etc, and act as a way for people to exchange further contact details for private conversations.

I think zed's principle is that if anyone can join the public channel without some sort of validation, then it's deemed unsafe.

And verification between MC and discord really isn't hard, especially considering Zed's current systems in place.

It's trying to *prevent* the bad language/manipulative behavior *before* it happens. The sweep up after is comparatively simple.

Re: Mumble/Murmer for chatting

PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:41 pm
by Brenpop345
Going back to FunkyTechnician's idea, on the sharing images thing, we already have a place for that- the forums. Like I said earlier, this whole discord chat room idea might just be too much work for something we can easily do on our own. Discord is easily accessible. We don't need one specifically linked to Zedwork. Although it's an interesting idea, there are just too many factors that would need to be fixed before it could work.

Re: Mumble/Murmer for chatting

PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:26 pm
by ABParadigm
Just a thought - I know we're talking about voice chat, but as it seems a less likely possibility, maybe an update to forums PMs to make them instant message may be a good start.

Re: Mumble/Murmer for chatting

PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 7:39 am
by hypehuman
One way to verify that users are who they say they are: The first time they log on to the voice chat service, they are given a randomly generated code. They then log into Zedwork and use a command, supplying that code as the argument. Only then would they be given permission to hear and speak.

If the conversations are recorded, users could report violations that could later be confirmed by moderators. This doesn't address all the concerns raised though.

Re: Mumble/Murmer for chatting

PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2017 2:13 pm
by Zedwick
Connecting voice server identities to Minecraft identities is indeed possible, but requires the work to be put into learning and coding the solutions required. This would be the first step towards supporting a voice server, and one I plan to work out in time. Please be patient whilst I work on this :)

Re: Mumble/Murmer for chatting

PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:42 am
by Brenpop345
I think if this works out it can b really awesome :D getting 2 talk 2 ppl while ur playing w/ them is really fun (if you dont believe me watch my collab vid on yt) so the whole server having a conversation together is so much easier than having 2 chat all the time. i mean, just think about the meetings! the chat would usually go crazy, but if we use discord instead, it would be so much easier.