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[LVS] Resource world v2 ABBA Caving

PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:05 pm
by Neytan269
Since Resource world is reset, it's time to celebrate it with ABBA caving! ABBA caving will happen at Wednesday, October 6th, 8PM BTS

Resource world -311/-10 is place of gathering :)


:arrow: You have only 45 minutes to find a cave and to cave for ores.
:arrow: No straight down digging or branch mining.
:arrow: If you run out of caves, dig following the sound or dig out gravel/dirt/granite/andersite/diorite/tuff patches to find
new caves.
:arrow: Using only Silk Touch Pickaxe.
:arrow: For spawner count, each player will show mined spawner stats before the game starts.
:arrow: When time’s up, start digging up and come to the starting location and deposit your dug values in designated chest.
:arrow: Points will be calculated and announced.
:arrow: Any loot found in chests can be kept by player since it doesn't contribute to points system.


Stone ores:
Coal - 1
Iron - 2
Copper - 2
Redstone - 2
Gold - 5
Lapis - 7
Diamond - 10
Emerald - 15

Deepslate ores:
Coal - 2
Iron - 5
Copper - 15
Redstone - 5
Gold - 8
Lapis - 10
Diamond - 20
Emerald - 30

Mob Spawner - 50


Winner takes it all!