The Law of the Land

The Law of the Land

Postby FellAngel » Sat May 05, 2012 9:54 pm

It has come to my attention that there is some question over the rules of Zedwork. Many of us use to the previous Sedrion server know what the rules are, but just so they are stated for new members, I am reposting them here almost verbatim.

These are the rules. These are not guidelines
1) You are not allowed to use flying mod, speedhacks or any other mod or third-party software that makes you gain an advantage in the game. TO CLARIFY: No X-ray, no Flying, no Speed, etc. If you think it might get you banned it probably could. If you forget what isn't allowed, type /rules.

2) No, you are not allowed to use/exploit any flawed in-game mechanism to your advantage.
You are, however, strongly encouraged to report such flaws to an administrator at once.
(to clarify; because there is always someone that will claim it wasn't stated: If there is any bug in the server, plugin or design of the map that makes you get something you shouldn't; it is a flaw that needs attention. You should have reported it. EOD.)

3) No, you are not allowed to cause any other player unnecessary grief. Read this line two, maybe three times. If you still do not get it, please ask a grown-up to explain it to you.

4) If you think that you might be doing something that is wrong, you probably are. Stop, think about it for a while or ask someone if you're a bad boy/girl.

5) Sharing accounts are not allowed. Period.

6) Guardians will not change the time of the day, teleport you, spawn you items and so on. We might help you with tricky stuff. But do not expect to get us to build you a house; without making you pay for it.

These are guidelines:
Be polite and use proper language. There is nothing wrong with a bit of cursing or general badmouthing, If its done with some sort of class. As a general rule, if the media would censor you, you should probably do it yourself first. Guardians will correct you if you take it to far. Consider their words and enjoy the game. Repeat offenders make the game a bit less enjoyable for others.
example #1:
"FUK U!! U GAY! I GUNA SHoOT U!" <- Bad.
"Kind sir! Would you mind returning my belongings, or shall I have to separate your empty head from your shoulders?" <- alot better.

example #2:
"Hello, it seem there might be a bit of a misunderstanding about who this block belongs to. You, the baboon, seem to think it is yours; in reality, it actually belongs to me: the owner of this establishment. Would you mind putting it back? I do have a telepathic connection to the gods, and they may smite you!" <- alot better.

Talk to your neighbour. There is nothing better to prevent disasters than to talk to your neighbour before you alter the backyard. Agree on changes, socialise, help out, and so on.

If you are told off, let it be. If you ask someone to get you this/that or some-such and get a NO; then leave it.

DO NOT spam the chat with an admin's name if you do not get a response straight away, they are busy people. Just go to the forums and post your question there.

Work for your projects. Others are not here to play the game for you.

Now all of this said, I will grant that some people make mistakes. Keep in mind that any Guardian can ban you without warning, however, I will speak to the other guardians about warning structures. Don't assume however that considering warnings means you will receive one first. Should you have suggestions, please feel free to post them.

Also, I promise to never ban/kick someone for speaking their side as long as it is done with respect. So please feel free to voice your opinions.

Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:20 am

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